Pricing: Here is a link to their page with pricing. Here is a link to the Roger Billings Scholarship.
Basic $249/mo with the Roger Billings Scholarship its $79/mo or $2000 annually
Enhanced $349/mo with the Roger Billings Scholarship its $174 or $3000 annually
Premium $499/mo and $4500
$399 registration fee includes first and last payment then $99 monthly
10-months $1099, or for 5-months $599, $4k/ yr private online
Accreditation: Cognia
Pricing: Here is a link to the Roger Billings Scholarship.
Set up Your Homeschool $31.25 / month
Roger Billings Scholarship Opportunity $19.95 / month
Pricing: Here is a link to their page with pricing.
Upfront cost of $260 which covers 12 months
The 12 month package is $24/mo
The month by month cost is $30/mo
Accreditation: Cognia
AI Scholars and Deep Dives $2290
AI Fellowship $5400
AI Accelerator 30 sessions, $9400
Combination Scholars and Fellowship program $6900
AI Internship $2490
Individual Research Program (12 weeks; 2990 USD)
Individual Research Program (12 weeks; 2990 USD)
Research Fellowship (6-12 months, 8900 USD) 1 on 1
Professor Premium Publication Program (16-20 weeks; 8900 USD) 1 on 1